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About thyssenkrupp Steel

thyssenkrupp Steel, one of the world’s leading manufacturers of carbon steel flat products, has embarked on a journey towards becoming a climate-neutral steel producer. As part of its innovative approach to operations, the company faced a significant logistical challenge at its Duisburg plant in Germany, which spans an area five times larger than Monaco. Managing the daily influx of vehicles was crucial to maintaining the efficiency and security of its operations.

Navigating the complexity of high-volume vehicle traffic

Every normal working day, thyssenkrupp Steel’s Duisburg site accommodates the movement of 2,000 trucks and 13,000 cars. Controlling this massive volume of incoming and outgoing vehicles presented a complex challenge. The sheer size of the site compounded the difficulty of effectively managing access, necessitating a solution that could handle high traffic volumes seamlessly.

“Working with Nedap has given us a reliable and competent partner for over 15 years. Their expertise have been invaluable in meeting our access control needs.” Ingo Kucharzewski, Engineer at thyssenkrupp Steel.

Implementing Nedap’s RFID solution for seamless access control

To address this challenge, thyssenkrupp Steel turned to Nedap, a leader in vehicle and driver identification systems, for a robust and efficient solution. Nedap implemented its semi-active RFID solution at seven factory gates, specifically designed for access control of employees and their vehicles. 16 TRANSIT Ultimate readers from Nedap have the ability to read Nedap’s Compact Tags from up to 10 meters away made it an ideal choice for facilitating smooth and uninterrupted vehicle flow. A total of 15,000 specially manufactured Compact Tags with car mounts were provided for windshield mounting, ensuring that each vehicle could be accurately identified and authorized for entry.

Enhancing security and operational efficiency

The implementation of Nedap’s RFID solution for vehicle and driver identification transformed the access control process at thyssenkrupp Steel. The solution enabled a high throughput of vehicles, significantly reducing congestion and improving the overall efficiency of site operations. Nedap’s TRANSIT Ultimate readers in combinatie with Nedap’s Compact Tags, being person-related rather than vehicle-related, offered a flexible and secure method of identification that has proven reliable for over 15 years. The system’s seamless integration into the daily operations of thyssenkrupp Steel demonstrates its effectiveness and the lasting partnership with Nedap.

“This digitalizes gate access control combines state-of-the-art AVI technology with the high security requirements, GDPR guidelines and sustainability responsibility where large enterprises like thyssenkrupp Steel need to comply with. Nedap is proud to contribute in this critical process already for many years.” Jan Hofman, Channel Sales Manager at Nedap

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